Cristina Chong

2020 - present


VitalSigns is the home for all the data and customer comments collected from your Online Buyer Survey and Site Abandonment Survey. Through an intuitive homepage and set of interactive dashboards, your entire team gets up-to-the-minute insights to enhance the customer journey and increase conversions

Visit VitalSigns site

When I first joined Meredith, now Dotdash Meredith, VitalSigns was one of my first projects. My team included Kenly Xu, former Senior UX/UI Designer, and Benjamin Anik, Creative Director. Thanks to Kenly, VitalSigns came to life with amazing 3D graphics that inspired the creative direction of the redesign. My goal was to support the team with improving the user interface and support functionality improvements.



VitalSigns is the backbone of Bizrate Insights with over 2,000 retailers under its belt including Estee Lauder, J.Crew, and Bath & Body Works. It issues approximately 25 million surveys to verified customers each year to help improve our customers’ services.

VitalSigns has a really special, trustworthy product, but the visual design just wasn’t getting this message across. Our team discovered several issues with the original design:

Information overload. Data could’ve been organized better and the site was text heavy. Graphs could be laid out in a way that gives an overview while staying organized

❌ The design is dated and does not compel new users to sign up.

❌ Side navigation is unorganized, and difficult to understand.


Redesigning VitalSigns was no small undertaking, and redesigning it meant a change for the whole Bizrate Insights branding. Kenly and Benjamin took to brand identity exercises such as card-sorting, site mapping, and heuristic analyses to develop the bones of the wireframes. It was now my turn to help manifest these ideas.


Goals, Objectives, and Approach


Create a real dashboard experience that is clean & adaptable to changes.


Update graphs and data organization makes sense & are customizable.


Improve the vibe of VitalSigns with intelligent use of whitespace and colors.

Previous Iterations

One of my first projects when starting in Meredith was to explore different directions our team could take VitalSigns. To start, I wanted to design a dashboard without much creative restraint - truly implement a modern, fun aesthetic. As the design process continued, I adopted the modern, bright vibes into the VitalSigns brand identity.

V1 Exploration

V3 Exploration

V2 Exploration

V4 Exploration

New VitalSigns

Ben and I continued to explore how to create concise, functional graphs that were meaningful and organized in terms of time period and how much information should be shown. We continued using the cleaner aesthetic, and kept the darker background for the side menu. Note: The images are only sample data

New Dashboard

Dashboard displays graphs at “high-level,” with the option to delve further into the data through a link in the card elements.

Dashboard is simple and clean, which makes viewing a plethora of information at the same time easy.

Colors are modernized and bright to help customers get excited about seeing their data.

Tab formats are implemented to move through different data sets easily.



Redesigning VitalSigns is an overhaul that is still continuing. As we make improvements, my hope is that the product will be recognized for what it truly is, a reliable tool to help clients take control of their business.